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2015-01-23 15:36:00 阅读:(宏博太奇考研


  651. When I fetched(拿、取得、到达、吸引) the sketch(草图、概述、素描) on the stretcher(担架、延伸器) I found the secretary's secret. 当我拿来担架上的素描时我发现了秘书的秘密.

  652. The mutual(相互、共有的) spirits(精神、情绪、鼓舞) inspired(吸『气』, 鼓舞, 感动, 激发,使生灵感) us to reach the annual(年度/鉴) aim.


  653. The roaring oar hit the coarse(粗糙/鄙) keyboard on the cupboard aboard the boat.


  654. My intimate(亲密、隐私、宣布) mate's ultimate(最终、根本) estimate(估

  计、评价) approximates(近似、大约) the appropriate(恰当的) value. 我亲密伙伴的最终估计接近恰当的值.

  655. In case of necessity, necessary session(会议、开庭) can be held on the vessel(船、器皿、脉/导管). 必要时,必需的开庭可在船舶上进行.

  656. By the navigation(航海/空/行、导航) of microwave, the navy paved(铺设) a pavement(公路、人行道) on the wavy(摇摆、波动) sea.

  借助微波导航,海军在多浪的大海上铺了一条路。 657. The minority(少量、少数『民族』) of us are confronted(面临/对) with difficulty in the frontier(国境, 边疆, 边境) of the major(主修『课』). 我们少数人在该专业尖端领域面临困难.

  658. From the context(上下文、前后关系) of the text, I find the next pretext(借口) for selling the textile(纺织品).


  659. The systematic(系统、体系) items(项目、条款) stem(茎、滋生、阻止) from the walker's talk about the chalk.


  660. Theoretically(理论上、空谈), their heir's(继承人) theory(理论、原理、意见、推测) of meteorology(气象学) can explain the meteor(流行、大气现象). 从理论上讲,他们的继承人的气象理论能解释这种大气现象。

  661. I affirmatively(肯定地) confirmed(证实、惯常、慢性的) the conformity(一致、符合) of the theory with practice. 我断然确认了理论与实践相符.

  662. The subordinate(次要、从/下属、服从) coordinates(同等的, 并列的、调整) are in accordance with that set by the cordial(热忱的, 诚恳的, 兴奋的) chorus(合唱『团』、齐声).


  663. The transactor(处理者、办理人) thinks activating the atomic interaction in the intact reactor(反应堆) is practicable(可行的).


  664. The distracted(心烦意乱) reader can't be absorbed in the abstract extract(摘录、榨/析取).


  665. The compact(紧缩/密、简洁、契约) faction(派别、内讧) fractured(破裂, 骨折) because of friction(摩擦『力』). 紧密小宗派由于摩擦破裂了.

  666. Under the guideline(方针), the output of streamlined(流线型的) seamless(无缝、无痕) liners declines(下降/垂、斜面、拒绝、衰落) linearly(成直线、线性的).

  在该方针的指引下,流线型无缝班机的产量直线下降. 667. The dreadful(可怕的) tread(践踏、踩、梯级) on the meadow(草地) broke the deadly(致命、誓不两立、极度、必定) deadlock(死锁、僵局). 草场上可怕的践踏声打破了致命的僵局.

  668. The heading is "Headline(大字标题) of Headlong(轻率) Pleadings(辩论、上诉、答辩)".


  669. I overhear that the hearty man heartily yearns for my harness(马具、甲胄) in the barn(谷仓、畜舍).


  670. After the rehearsal(排练、演习), the weary(疲倦、厌倦/烦) mechanic repaired the gears(齿轮、调整,换档) with shears(剪刀) and spear.


  671. Having checked the parameters(参数、数据) of the apparatus(器械、设备), the paralysed(使麻痹, 使瘫痪, 使无助) parasite(寄生虫) went to the paradise(天堂) by parachute(降落伞).


  672. In the compartment(隔间、车厢), the impartial(公正) participant(参与『者』、共享的) told me his counterpart's(副本、极相似的人/物) departure(启程、出发、离开).


  673. The articulate(有关节连接、清晰地说) man's artistic cartoon startled the charterer(包租人).


  674. The guardian(监护人、保护『者』) found a quarterly(季刊、每季) quart of quartz in the safeguard.


  675. The immortal(不朽的) man's mortgage(抵押) can be a shortcut(捷径) to resolve(决心、溶解、解决) the food shortage(不足、缺乏). 不朽之人的抵押可以作为解决食品短缺的捷径.

  676. The escort(护卫『队』、陪同『人员』) resorted(求助, 诉诸, 采取某种手段, 常去) to the orthodox(正统、习惯、保守) paradox(似是而非/自相矛盾的论点) to retort(反驳、回报) his distortion(扭曲、变形、曲解、失真). 陪护者借助正统悖论反驳他的歪曲. 677. The oppressor(压迫者) suppressed(镇压、抑止、查禁) his aggressive opinion about compressor(压缩物/机).


  678. The senseless(不省人事的, 无感觉的, 无意识的) senator's(参议员) pretense(主张、借口、伪称) of consensus(一致同意, 舆论) caused a sensation(感情/觉/动、耸人听闻的).


  679. The conspicuous(显著的) suspicious(可/怀疑) pension(退休金) is in suspension(吊、悬浮、暂停、延迟). 那笔引人注目的可疑养老金被暂停发放.

  680. He repents(后/忏悔) having compensated(偿还、补偿) the dispensable(不必要、可有可无) pesion for fear of penalty(处罚、罚款).

  他后悔因害怕处罚而补偿了不必要的养老金. 681. Abundance(充裕、丰富) doesn't mean redundance(多余、过多). The hound(猎犬、追逐、激励) found a profound(深奥/刻、渊博) book on the roundabout


  充裕并不意味多余.猎犬在旋转木马上找到一本深奥的书. 682. By courtesy(谦恭、允许) of the mourner(悲伤/哀悼/忏悔者), he endeavours(尽/竭力) to devour(吞吃、挥霍、毁灭) the nourishing(有营养的、滋养的) odour(气味、名声).


  683. The thermal(热『量』的) therapy(治疗) terminated(结束、终止) after the terminal(终点、终端『设备』、学期) germ(微生物、细菌) seminar(研讨会). 热疗在期末细菌研讨会后终止了.

  684. The terraced(台/阶地) terrain(地形) near the Mediterranean(地中海) ferry(渡口、运送) is terrific(令人恐怖). 地中海渡口附近的台地地形好极了.

  685. The consul's(领事) consultant(顾问、咨询者) hauled(拖、拉、改变主意) out the assaulter(袭击者) from the vault(拱顶).


  686. The nitrogen(氮) atoms combine instantaneously(瞬间、即刻), simultaneously(同时) and spontaneously(自然、本能). 氮原子瞬间同时自动化合.

  687. The respectful(恭敬的) spectator(旁观者) gave the prospective(预期的) president a retrospect(回顾) of the spectacular(引人入胜、壮观的) spectrum(光谱).


  688. The suicides(自杀/毁) in adjacent(临近、接近) area are incidental(附带、伴随、偶然发生) coincidence(一致、同时发生/存在). 邻近区域内的自杀是偶然巧合.

  689. His ignorance(无知) of her dignity(尊严、高贵) ignited(点燃/火) her indignation(愤概/怒).


  690. The man tackling(固定, 应付难事, 处理, 解决, 抓住、工具) the drawback(缺点、障碍) of the brackets(托/支架、括弧) runs a slack(松弛、疏忽、淡季) snack(小吃、快餐) business.


  691. At the turning the turtle(海龟) met a turkey and made a turnover on the turnips(萝卜).


  692. The overthrown president is overwhelmed(淹没、颠覆、受制) by the controversy(论争、辩论).


  693. The handicapped(残疾的) man got a second-hand handout(印刷品、新闻稿) of shorthand(速记) handbook beforehand(预先). 残疾人事先得到了一本二手速记手册施舍品.

  694. Hitherto(至今) the withering(凋谢、干枯) flowers can't withstand(抵挡/受) the sunshine notwithstanding(虽然、尽管) my care. 尽管有我的呵护,这些凋谢的花至今仍经不起阳光.

  695. I averted(转移) my eyes from the diverse(不同、变化多) advertisements for the invert(转化、颠覆) converter(转炉). 我把目光从花样繁多的倒置转换器广告上移开.

  696. It's deduced(推断、演绎出) that the induced(劝诱、促使、感应、导致) fluctuation(波动、起伏) does no good to the reproducing(再制造) productivity(生产力).


  697. In the Catholic cathedral the athlete(运动员、选手) shouted out his wrath(愤怒) in the athletic(运动的) oath(誓言、诅咒). 在天主教大教堂,选手在体育誓言中喊出了他义愤.

  698. The destiny(命运、定数) of the pest(有害物) in chestnut is not known before reaching the destination(目的地).


  699. The wrestler's(摔交选手) testimony(证词、宣言、陈述) manifests(显然的, 明白的、出现) that he has large estates(状态、时期、阶层、财产). 角力者的证言表明他有大量房地产.

  700. Having attained the entertaining(愉快、有趣、款待) center, the retained man was detained(拘留、阻止) and sustained(持续不变、相同的) pain. 到达娱乐中心后,聘请的男子遭到拘留并经受到痛苦.




