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2015-01-23 15:25:00 阅读:(宏博太奇考研


  551. In the passage the passenger passed a cassette(盒子、盒式磁带) of message to messenger.


  552. It was not the aluminum but the massive(厚重、结实) brass(黄铜『制品』) and bronze(青铜『制品』) on the grass that embarrassed(使困窘, 使局促不安, 阻碍, 麻烦) me.


  553. From the classical(古典『文学』) class, the classmate with glasses knows the classification(分类) of classics(杰作、名著、第一流的).

  戴眼镜的同学从古典文学课上知道了古典名著的分类. 554. The hungry drunk plunged(跳/投/陷入) a trunk(树/躯/主干、箱子) of lungs(肺、呼吸器) into the tunnel(隧/地道) under the channel(水渠、沟、路线、引导、频道).


  555. I bundled(捆、束、包) a bunch(串、束) of branches and anchored(锚) it on the punching(冲压、打孔『机』) bench. 我捆起一簇树枝,将它栓在冲压工作台上.

  556. The fundamental(基础、基本『原则』) fund(资/基金、投资) functions(功能、职责、典礼) punctually(按时、如期) in conjunction(联合、关连) with abundant capital(首府、资本/金/产).

  这笔重要基金与充裕的资本一起准时发挥作用. 557. Uncle and aunt launched(发行/射、投入) a laundry(洗衣店、洗烫) with the blunt(钝的、生硬的) hunter.


  558. The upset(颠覆、扰乱、心烦) supplement(补充、附录、增刊) supplier(供应商、补充者) went up with the puppet(傀儡) to the upper room for supper. 心烦意乱的增刊供给者与傀儡一起到上面的房间吃晚餐.

  559. I'm liable(有责任的,有...倾向的) to give reliable(可靠的) reply to the application(申请『表』、应用『程序』) for supply(补充、提供、供应) of apples. 我有责任对申请供应苹果给予可靠答复.

  560. Salaries(薪水) vary(随…变化) with various jobs. 薪水随各种各样的工作而异。

  561. I didn't evaluate(评价、估计) the blue glue(胶『水』、粘合) due(应得/付的, 正当的, 预期的) to the vague(含糊、暧昧、茫然) plague(瘟疫、折磨、麻烦、苦恼).


  562. The flu(流感) influenced(影响、势力、感应) the influential(有影响的、

  有势力的) speaker's fluency(流畅、雄辩) of speech.

  流感影响了那个有影响的讲话者讲话的流畅. 563. I have association(协会、联合、结交、联想) with the socialists of the society. 我与协会内的社会主义者有交往.

  564. In the cinema the medicine immediately remedied the medium. 在电影院里这种药立刻拯救了中间人. 565. I use the ripe(『成』熟的) recipe(处方) to wipe(擦、拭) the pipeline. 我用成熟的配方来擦拭管道.

  566. The boastful(自负/夸) toaster(祝酒者) roasts(烘、烤) himself on the coast in the sunshine.


  567. It was true that the rescued(援/营救) cruel man let fuel(燃料) oil issue(从…流出、出版) from the tissue(薄纱). 获救的无情男子真的任凭燃油从薄纱中流出.

  568. The furious(狂怒、激烈、兴奋) obscure(暗、模糊、晦涩) curer(治疗者/器) is curious(好奇、古怪、爱挑剔) to secure(安全、无忧、保护) the curly(卷曲)-curved(曲线『图』、弯曲) mercury(水银) curiosity(好奇心、珍品). 盛怒的不出名治疗者渴望弄到这种带卷曲曲线的水银珍品。

  569. The dictator(独裁者) predicted the contradiction(反驳、矛盾) in the dictionary(字典).


  570. In the fiction(虚构、小说), the victim(受害人、牺牲品) of the conflict(斗争、抵触、冲突) pictured the picnic after victory. 在小说中,冲突中的受害者描绘了胜利后的野餐.

  571. The pupils(学生、瞳孔) will fix with a mixture the fixed figure(外形、轮廓、描绘, 塑造, 表示, 象征, 演算, 认为) in the future. 学生们将来要用一种混合物整修固定轮廓。

  572. The impure mixture with impurity(杂质、不纯) is purified(纯净、净化). 含杂质的不纯混合物被提纯。

  573. The native(当地人、天赋的) has no nationality; he is an international man. 这个土著没有国籍,他是一个国际人. 574. In the rural(乡下、田园、农村) the naturally matured(成熟、到期) tomatoes have this nature(自然、天性、种类). 在乡下自然成熟的番茄具有这种性质.

  575. The worshiper(崇拜者) thinks that the worst is the insufficient(不足/够) horsepower.


  576. A year ago I could go without the foregoing(在前、前述) favorite flavor(风情、滋味、香料).


  577. The fresh flesh on the mesh(网丝/眼、圈套、编织) refreshed(精神振作、精力恢复、更新) the dog. 网格上的新鲜肉使狗恢复了体力.

  578. In the autumn the authorities(权威『人士』、权力、职权、典据) automatically

  (自动、机械地) authorize(批准) me to buy highly mobile automobiles. 秋天,当权者自动授权我买高机动性的汽车.

  579. The columnist(专栏作家) holds the colorful column(圆柱、专栏、纵队) of the colonial(殖民『地』的) newspaper. 那位专栏作家主持殖民地报纸的多彩专栏.

  580. In the beautiful bureau(办公桌/署) my daughter's laughter served for the sauce(调料/味) of the sausage(香肠).


  581. The mechanical mechanic knows the technique and technology of the echo(回声、重复、共鸣) mechanism(机械装置、机构). 呆板的机修工知道共鸣装置的技术和工艺.

  582. The ugly druggist(药剂师、药材商) gauged(测量、校/标准) the huge plug(插头) in the refugee's(难民、流亡者) rug(地毯、垫子). 丑陋的药剂师测量了难民毛毯中的巨大插头.

  583. I hope to make copper(铜质) copies of the telescope and microscope for hobby(业余爱好) in the lobby(大厅、休息室).


  584. The sloped(斜度、倾斜的) envelope indicates(指出、显/预示、象征、需要) the development(发展) velocity(速度/率、迅速的) of printing.


  585. The rope is proper(适当的,固有的,严格意义上的, 彻底的) property(财产、所有权、性质) to the prospering(成功、繁荣) rope maker. 绳子对成功的制绳者来说是真正的财产.

  586. It's a pity that the spitbox(痰盂) in the pit(深坑/渊、凹陷、陷阱) was hit and split(劈开、裂口、分离/裂).

  遗憾的是坑内的痰盂被打裂. 587. The situation(情形、境遇、位置) is fit for profiting(利润、得益) and beneficial(有益、得利) to the shops situated(位于) nearby. 这种形势适于获利且对坐落在附近的商铺有益。

  588. The fanciful(爱幻想、稀奇) panda fan panics(惊恐、恐慌) over the span(跨度、横越、范围) of the pan-like panel(面/仪表板). 爱幻想的熊猫迷对盆状仪表板的全长感到恐慌.

  589. The advanced van has disadvantages as well as advantages. 这辆先进的篷车有优点也有缺点.

  590. The original(最初、独创、新颖、原作) Organ(元件、机构/关、风琴、器官) Organization was originated with an original man. 最初的风琴组织是由一个有创见的人发起的。

  591. The pale salesman wholesales(批发、大规模的) scales(刻度、测/衡量、比例、天平、攀登) on a large scale.


  592. The males think the females have talent(天才、才能) for telling stale(陈腐/旧、走味) tales(故事, 坏话,谣言). 男人认为女人有讲陈腐故事的才能。

  593. Beneath (在…之下同"Underneath") the wreath(花圈) the deaf(聋的) man

  near death is out of breath.


  594. The conclusion(结论/束) includes my attitude toward his rudeness(无礼、粗鲁).


  595. In the pond(池塘) the sponsor(发起人、主办人、赞助) responded(回应、反响) to the correspondent's(通讯员) corresponding(相应的、通讯的) responsibility(责任、职责).


  596. In this version(译本), some conversions(变/转换) are made to the verbs and adverbs in the conversation(会话、交谈). 该版本中,会话中的动词和副词作了一些转换.

  597. The cosmic verse on the reverse(相反、背面、倒转/退) of the paper is very welcome in Universe University.


  598. The dismissed Swiss miss kissed the once missing missile and scissors(剪刀).


  599. The comb is combined with a bomb in the tomb. 梳子和坟墓里的炸弹结合在一起。

  600. The sum(总数、金额) of the hammers is made in the summer summary(摘要、概要).





