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2015-01-23 15:26:00 阅读:(宏博太奇考研


  601. Last summer the drummer(鼓手) became an amateur(业余) dramatist(剧作家) dramatically(戏剧性、引人注目).

  去年夏天,鼓手戏剧性地变成了业余剧作家. 602. Long Tongue League's(同盟、盟约、社团) colleagues(同事/僚) are fatigued(疲乏的) with cataloguing(目录). 长舌联合会的同僚们编目录编累了。

  603. The bottle is hidden in the bottom of a ton of cotton the cottage(村舍). 瓶子被藏在农舍里一吨棉花的底部.

  604. The pattern(模仿、式样、仿照、格调) of the battery doesn't matter to the battle against the little brittle(易碎、脆弱的) cattle. 电池的式样对与脆小牛作战无关要紧。

  605. By the biography(传记), the biologist's(生物学家) playing the violet violin violently(猛烈、激烈、极端) violated(违反、妨碍、干扰、侵犯) rules. 据传记记载,生物学家猛奏紫罗兰色的小提琴违犯了规矩.

  606. In the faithful(忠实、详确、可靠) waiter's waist(腰部) exists(存在、生活) a list of the ten listeners.


  607. The typist plays Typhoon on the piano in a typical style(风格、类型、时尚). 打字员以典型的风格在钢琴上演奏"台风"。

  608. I pushed aside the crushed(压碎/垮、使…变形) cushion(垫子) in a rush(冲、匆促、急流、涌现、急需) and saw a bushy brush.


  609. Riding(骑『术』) on the ridge(背/山脊、起皱) of the bridge, the proud bride(新娘) shouts loudly to the cloud. 骄傲的新娘骑在桥脊上对着云大声喊. 610. The decisive(决定性的) decimal(十进的, 小数的) point made the acid(酸、讽刺、刻薄) man decide to suicide(自杀/毁). 决定性的小数点使刻薄之人决定自杀。

  611. I'm convinced(确/深信) that the provincial(省级的) government will provide(供应、准备、预防、规定) provisional(临时) provisions(供应品, 预/防备, 规定).


  612. The hidden division(分开/割/配、公司、分界线) is subdivided(再/细分) into individuals(个体/别). 隐藏的公司被细分为个体.

  613. The tides(潮、趋势) slide(滑动、幻灯片) on the tidy wide beach and collide(碰撞、抵触) each other.


  614. The briber(行贿者) described the tribe(部落) head's bribery(受/行贿行为).

  行贿者描述了部落首领的受贿行为. 615. The ribbon(带『状物』) of the rifle(来复枪、抢夺) is fabricated(制成、捏造、虚构) with fibre(纤维、构造). 来复枪的带子是用纤维制作的. 616. The continent(大陆、陆地) continues(继续、连续、延伸) to control the import of petrol(汽油) and petroleum(石油).


  617. They returned in turn to bury the luxuries(奢侈、华贵) burnt(燃烧) in the burst(爆炸、急于、脉冲).

  他们依次返回来埋藏在爆炸中烧毁的奢侈品。 618. Banned(禁令/止、取缔) murders in the suburb(市郊、郊区) bring turbulent(狂暴、吵闹) disturbance(骚乱、搅动、干扰) and burden(担子、负担) to the urban(市内的) turbine(涡轮) works.


  619. A nice price of the iced rice is offered to the officer. 军官得到了冰冻米的好价钱。

  620. The poor man in poverty(穷困、缺乏) sleeps on the floor at the doorway. 那个贫困的可怜人睡在门口的地板上。

  621. In the log lodge(小屋、存放、容纳) he said some illogical(不合逻辑) apologies(道歉话).


  622. The slogan(口号、标语) crier(喊叫者) saw the dog and frog jump to and fro(往、回、向后) in the fog. 呼口号者看见狗和青蛙在雾中来回跳.

  623. I recognized the large-sized prize and seized(抓/逮住、夺取、没收) it.


  624. The lying liar lied to the dying(垂死的) diet maker that the tie was dyed(染料/色) blue.


  625. The unyielding(坚硬、不屈) man fiercely(猛烈、厉害) pierced(刺穿, 突破, 深深感动) the shield in the field. 那个不屈的人凶猛地刺穿田野里的盾牌.

  626. Perhaps something happy will happen to the unhappy man. 或许那个不高兴的人将要碰上某件快乐的事。

  627. The Greek checked his cheeks on the weekend. 希腊人在周末检查了他的面颊。

  628. The troop's(群『集』、组、多数、结队、军队) stoop(弯腰、屈服、辱没) on the loop(『循』环、回路) became the top topic at the bus stop. 部队在环行道上的屈服在公共汽车站成了头等话题。

  629. The chop(砍、剁、排骨、商标) shopkeeper let the blood drip to the crops. 排骨店老板让血滴到庄稼上。

  630. The pop song is popular in the populous city. 这首流行歌曲在人口稠密的城市流行.

  631. Regretfully(遗憾、抱歉), we can't regulate(控制、调节/整) the irregular(不规则、无规律) liner(班机、划线者、衬垫) on the gulf(海湾、深渊、隔阂、吞没).


  632. The pig is obliged(迫使、责成) to dig a big pit for the pigeon. 猪被迫为鸽子掘一个大坑。 633. In this district(区域、管区) I can strictly(严格、确实) distinguish the distinct(明显、独特) distinctions(区别、特性、声望) of bees' stings by instinct(本能). 在该地区我能靠直觉严格分辨蜜蜂刺的明显特征。

  634. In the Administration, this minister is in charge of registering(寄存) regional(整个地区、地域性的) religions(宗教、信仰). 在内阁中这个部长负责登记区域宗教。

  635. The energetic(精力充沛) enemy(敌人) submerged(沉没) in the water on the verge(频临、边缘) of the emergency(紧急情况、非常时刻).


  636. The muscular(强健的) musician found the bud(『萌』芽、蓓蕾) in the mud(泥) in the museum.


  637. I also heard of the false pulses(脉搏/冲) elsewhere(在别处).


  638. The kid(哄骗、取笑、欺骗) kidnapper(绑匪) can't get rid of a ridiculous(荒谬、可笑) kidney(肾、性格) disease(疾/弊病). 绑架小孩的家伙无法摆脱荒谬的肾病。

  639. My niece sacredly(庄严、神圣) sacrificed(牺牲、供奉) a piece of pie to the God.


  640. The sinful(有罪、罪孽深重) single singer's finger skin is singular(单一、非凡、异常).


  641. "The enterprise(企业、计划、进取心) will be supervised(监管、指导) by a group comprising(包含、由…构成) prominent(卓越、显著) men," the despising(轻视) chairman said concisely(简明) with no


  "企业将由杰出人员构成的小组来监管,"轻蔑的主席毫不妥协简明地说。 642. The promising(有希望/前途) singer underwent mysterious(神秘的) misery(痛苦、苦恼、不幸、穷困). 那位有前途的歌手遭受了神秘的痛苦.

  643. The physician(『内科』医生) made a physical examination to the sophisticated(诡辩、世故的) philosopher(哲学家) and physicist. 医生给世故的哲学家和物理学家作了体检。

  644. Bowing its elbow(肘), the owl sows in the bowl(碗、滚). 猫头鹰弯着肘在碗中播种。

  645. The cowardly(胆怯的) cow vows(立誓、誓言) not to tow(拖、拽) vowels(元音『的』).


  646. The answer is: Owing(因为) to a shower, the powerful powder(粉末、火药) is no longer on show.

  答案是:由于一场阵雨,这种强有力的火药不再展览了。 647. The biscuit compels(强迫、迫使) the mosquitoes(蚊子) quit the equipment(装备、器材、才能).


  648. What a nuisance(讨厌的人/事、麻烦事), the suit is ruined(毁灭、荒废) due(应得/付的, 正当的, 预期的) to the unsuitable style.


  649. The judge has prejudice(偏见、损害) to the juicy(多汁、潮湿、有趣) fruit. 法官对这种多汁水果怀有偏见。

  650. The guide(导游、指南、支配、操纵) disguised(伪装、掩饰) his guilty(犯罪、心虚) of mixing the liquor(液体、汁) with a liter of liquid(液体、明澈、流动、易变的).





