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2015-01-23 15:19:00 阅读:(宏博太奇考研


  451. The tenant(租客、出租) is discontented(不满意) with the content(内容、容量、目录、满足/意) of the agreement for renting(租, 租借, 出租、租金) the tennis tent.


  452. The current(最近、通用、流通、趋势、电/气/水流) occurrence(发生、出现、事件) of torrent(急/洪流、连发) spurs(鞭策、刺激、疾驰) him to buy fur(毛皮、软毛) and sulfur(硫磺).

  最近的洪流事件刺激他去买皮毛和硫磺。 453. I'm confident(自信、确信) that the dentist(牙医) will deny the confidential(秘/机密的) accidental incident.


  454. The student identified(识别、鉴别、确定) the identical(同一的、同样的) idiom on the identity(同一性, 身份, 一致, 特性, 恒等式) cards.


  455. The stupid student rapidly(迅速) studied the accident in the studio(工作室).

  愚蠢(乏味、麻木)的学生在工作室内快速学习这个意外事件。 456. Considering(考虑、顾及、鉴于、认为) considerable(相当多的、值得考虑) spiders outside, I stay in the president's residence(居处、住处). 鉴于外面有太多的蜘蛛,我留在校长的住处。

  457. Besides this side, I considered both the inside and outside. 除了这一侧面,内外两面我都考虑了。

  458. It's evident(明显、显然) that the evil devil inevitably(必定、不可避免) goes to ruin(堕落、毁灭、崩溃).


  459. In the company my companion accompanied me until I accomplished polishing(抛光、打磨) the shoes.


  460. I prepare to compare the two comparable(可比的) parallel(平行、类似) companies.


  461. My neighbor knows the height and weight of the highjacked(抢劫, 劫持) freight(货物、运费/送).

  我的邻居直到被抢劫的货物(船货)的高度和重量。 462. The rebels(叛乱『者』、反抗『者』) labeled(标签/志/注、分类) the labor(劳动、工作、详细分析) laboring(劳动、操劳) in the laboratory(实验室) and lavatory(厕所).

  造反者将劳动操劳标记在实验室和厕所(盥洗室)。 463. At 8 o'clock the clerk locked the flock(群、大量、聚集) of cocks in the room. 在8点钟,职员将那群母鸡锁在房间内。

  464. The mocker(嘲弄者、模仿者) knocked the stock(树干, 库存, 股票、原料、常备的) with the knots on the stocking and sock.


  465. I'm determined(坚决的、决定了的) to permit the permanent(永/持久的) term(学期、期间、条款/件) on detergent(清洁剂). 我决定准许清洁剂上的永久条款。

  466. The committee admits it committed(犯错误,把...交托给, 提交) an omission(冗长) in commissioning(试运转) the mission(使命、任务、代表团).【committed:效忠】


  467. The odd(单数的,临时的, 不固定的) man added an additional(另/额外、附加的) riddle(谜语、迷惑) to the middle of the saddle. 奇怪的男人在马鞍的中间额外加了一条谜语。

  468. The insult(侮辱) to the adult consulter(咨询/商量者) results(导致) in multiplication([数]乘法, 增加) of the faulty(有过失、有缺陷、不完美) faucets(龙头、旋塞).


  469. The detective detected that the arch was under the marching(行军、步伐、前进) Arctic(北极的) architects'(建筑师) protection(保护). 侦探发现,这个拱门是在正在行军中的北极的建筑师保护之下的。

  470. In the college, I alleged that I recollected(冷静、回忆起) the dialog in dialect(方言、语调) about the dial collection.


  471. In the selection the lecturer neglected(忽略、忽视) the negligible(可以忽略、不予重视) negative(否定、消极、负面、阴性) reflection(放射/映/省) on the election.


  472. The electrical connection(连接、关系、线路) in the photoelectric elevator(升降机) involves(包含、潜心于) electronics(电子学).


  473. The rising risk(冒险、风险) arises from the surprised fund raiser's praise of the appraisal.


  474. The efficient(生效、有效率) ancient scientist had conscience in science.


  475. The eagle(鹰) is eager(热心、渴望) to anger the tiger in danger. 鹰渴望激怒在危险中的老虎。

  476. The language angel hanged(悬挂, 装饰,踌躇, 悬而未决, 垂下) up the gang(一伙/群) and banged(重击、巨响) them at the angle of the triangle. 语言天使举起了一伙人并把他们猛撞到三角形的一个角上。 477. equal(相等的、胜任的,合适的,不相上下的); equator(赤道), equation(相等、平衡,等式,方程式), equivalent(相等的、等价物), quiver(震动、颤抖) 478. Qualified(有资格的) quality(质量、品质、性质) and adequate(适当、足够) quantity(数量) are equally(同等、公平) important. 有资格的质量和足够的数量同等重要。

  479. Televisions and telescopes give the visitors visual(看的, 视觉的, 形象的) ability to see the casual casualty(伤亡).


  480. The grown-up growled(咆哮、发牢骚) at a crowd of crows(乌鸦、啼叫). 成年人对一群乌鸦咆哮。

  481. I threw a row(排、行) of arrows, which narrowly(勉强、精细) passed the narrow(狭窄、精密、勉强、有限、小气)-minded man's eyebrows. 我投掷了一排箭,勉强地(精细地)通过了小心眼的男人的眉毛。

  482. "Sorry, I'll borrow the lorry(卡车) tomorrow," the sorrowful man said with worry in the corridor(走廊).


  483. The signalman(信号工)'s signature(签名、署名、信号) sign(标记、符号、征兆、签署) is significant(有意义的、重大/要) to the vacant(空白/虚/闲、茫然) vacation.


  484. The resigned(顺从、听天由命) designer is designated(指派) to an assignment(分配、委派、任务) of reigning(统治、支配) the foreigners. 顺从的(听天由命的)设计家被指派了一个支配外国人的任务。

  485. Because of the temperature(温度) tempo(速度、拍子), I temporarily(临时) lost temper(韧度、性情、脾气、趋向、调节) to my contemporary(同时代、当代的) in the temple(寺庙、神殿).


  486. The empty empire's emperor made an attempt to tempt(诱惑,吸引,考验) the contemptuous(轻蔑的、侮辱的) man.


  487. The one-eyed man obeyed the obedient(服从、温顺) audience's(听众、观众、接/拜见) order.


  488. The patriot's(爱国者) radar made the radical(根本、激进的) patient(病人、耐心) impatient(不耐烦、急躁).

  爱国者的雷达使得激进的病人不耐烦。 489. From the experiment(试/实验) the experienced(经历、富有经验的) expert(专/行家) gained an unexpected(意想不到的) expertise(专业知识/技能).


  490. Details(详细资料) about the tailor's(裁缝、剪裁、适合) tail(尾部/随、监视、嵌入) are available(有益/用、效用) from the prevailing(主要、流行、占优势的) dailies(每天、日常、日报).


  491. The sailor(水手、船员) was nailed(被钉在) on the rail(横/围栏、铁轨、责骂、抱怨) for he failed to trail(痕迹、追踪、拖拉) the mail.


  492. The frank(坦白、率直、老实) man put the first-rank(等/阶级、归类) blank blanket(毯子、覆盖) into the tan(茶褐色) tank. 坦白的男人将一流的空白的毯子放到了茶色的坦克(桶)内。

  493. Thanks to the bankrupt banker, my ankle(脚踝) avoided an injury. 感谢破产的银行家,我的脚踝避免了一次伤害。 494. After a shot the foot began to root(根部/基、扎根,坚定不移, 确立) and shoot in the boot(靴子、导入).


  495. The academic(学院、理论) topic is why the blade(刀刃/片) of the spade(铁锹) is still sharp after decades' decay(腐蚀/烂、衰落/退). 这个学术专题(话题)是为什么铁锹的忍在数十年腐蚀之后依然锋利。

  496. The invader(侵略者) saw the shadow(影子、遮蔽、预示、变朦胧) of the lampshade(灯罩) fade(褪色、枯萎、乏味) away.


  497. The graduated comrade gradually(逐渐地) graded(等级、评级) the trademarks(商标) after the parade(游行、检阅、炫耀). 毕业的伙伴在游行之后逐渐地将商标评级。

  498. Both the math(数学) pathfinders(探险/开创者) bathed(沐浴) in the bathtub(浴缸).


  499. In the thesis(论题/文) the synthetic(合成、人造) symbol(符号、记号、象征) symbolizes(象征、表现) sympathy(同情, 同情心). 在论文中,这个人造的(合成的)符号代表同情(心)。

  500. For unity the units united into a unique union. 为了团结,所有单位联合成的联盟。




