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2015-01-23 15:17:00 阅读:(宏博太奇考研


  401. The beloved novelist(小说家) put her lovely gloves(手套) above the stove(炉).


  402. It's proved that the approver(承认者、赞同者) improved waterproof roof(屋顶).


  403. In the reaction(反应、反作用), the fraction(碎片、分数) acts as an agent(代理商、媒介).


  404. Actually the actor and actress reacted(反应) actively to the activity(活跃、行为、放射性的).


  405. In the racial(人种、种族) horse-race, the white racer's(比赛者) race(种族、赛跑、急流)-horse won.


  406. I feel a trace(痕迹、微量、追踪、探索、描绘) of disgrace(耻辱、失宠、玷污) for the gracious(亲切、高尚) man's embracing(拥抱、包含、收买、信奉) her bracelet(手镯).


  407. The preface(序言、开始) is written on the surface of the furnace(炉子、熔炉) that faces the space(空间、间隔) facilities(容易、灵巧、便利、设备). 序言写在面对太空设施的火炉表面.

  408. "In fact, some factors(因素/数) are unsatisfactory(令人不满、不得人心) to the factory," the dissatisfied(不满意/高兴) manager said. "事实上有些因素对工厂来说不是满意的。"不满的经理说。

  409. The manufacturer(制造商) manually(手工) manufactured(人造) many machines for the manufactory(制造厂). 制造商为工厂手工制造了很多机器。

  410. The exact contact with practice has practical impact(碰撞、冲击、影响、效果) on me.


  411. To make the contract(合同、契约、感染) attractive(吸引力、魅力), the contractor(订约人, 承包人) subtracted(减去) a tractor from it. 为了使合同有吸引力,承包商从中减去了一台拖拉机。

  412. In this chapter(章节), the capture(俘获、俘虏、战利品) characterized(特色、性格) the characteristics(特征、典型) of the characters(特性/质、性格). 俘虏在本章描述了字符的特性.

  413. The captive(俘虏、被迷住) captivated(迷惑/住) by the apt(…的倾向、灵巧、适当) adaptation(适应、改编) rapped(叩击,轻敲, 斥责) the cavity(洞、穴) with rapture(全神贯注、欣喜若狂). 被灵巧的改编迷住了的被捕者着迷地敲打空腔.

  414. I'm in charge of discharging(卸载) a large amount of charcoal and coal at the coal mine.


  415. With shortcomings(缺点、短处) overcome, the outcome(成果) become welcome.


  416. At the station the statesman hesitates(犹豫、踌躇) to state(情形、状态、陈述、规定) the status(地位, 情形, 状况) of the statue(雕像). 在车站政治家不愿陈述雕像的状况。

  417. The limitation on the imitations(模仿、冒充、赝品) is preliminarily(预备的, 初步的) eliminated(排除、消除). 对模仿的限制初步被消除.

  418. The unconventional(非传统的) convention(大会、协定、习俗) put many people to inconvenience(麻烦、不便). 那个不合惯例的大会使很多人感到不便.

  419. The ventilator(通风设备、空调) inventor's(发明家) adventure prevented(防止、预防) him from venturing(冒/风险、投机) revenge(复仇).


  420. Even the evening event(事情、活动、结果、竞赛) couldn't eventually(最踪) spoil the joy of the New Year's Eve. 即便是傍晚的事件最终也无损除夕的欢乐.

  421. After an explosion(爆发/炸) the explorer(探险家、勘探者) restored (恢复、归还、修复、重建)the storage(贮藏量, 存储) of the explosive(爆炸物的, 爆发性的, 暴露) in the exploiter's(开拓/开发者) storehouse(仓库).


  422. The sore(疼痛、剧烈、痛心) is orally(口头上、口述) ignored(不予理睬、忽视) by the ignorant(无知的) immoral(不道德的、邪恶、放荡的) man. 疼痛被无知的不道德者口头忽视了.

  423. The boring(钻、讨厌的) boy bored(钻孔) ashore(向岸上、在岸上地) for ore(矿石) core(中/核心) at the score(得分、乐谱、刻痕、评价).【bored:无聊、繁人的】

  讨厌的男孩在海岸上的刻线处钻探矿核. 424. In the famine(饥荒) I got familiar(熟悉、亲近、随便) with this famous family name/surname.


  425. The tame(驯服、温顺、沉闷、乏味) tigers play the same game on the frame(结构、设计、陷害、画面、框架).


  426. The shameless(不知羞耻) lame(瘸、不完全、不知内情) man is to blame(过失、责备、谴责) for the flaming(燃烧、鲜艳、惊人) frame. 无耻的跛子应为燃烧的框架负责。

  427. The plain(平/草原、简单, 明白, 平常的, 清晰,朴素) woman explained to me why she complained about the chain.


  428. After the entertainment(款待、娱乐表演) the captain obtained(获得) an entrance(入口、进入) fee(费用、酬金).


  429. It's acertained that the certificate(证书/明) is behind the curtain(窗/门帘) of the stainless(纯洁的, 无瑕疵的, 不锈的) steel container(容器、集装箱). 经查实证书在不锈钢容器的帘子后面.

  430. In the building, the wild child hurt his mild(温柔、轻微、适度) chin on the china.


  431. The feeble(虚/微弱) man feels an ache on his heels(脚后跟) and knees when he kneels(跪) on the steel steering(操纵, 掌舵, 指导) wheel. 当虚弱男子跪在钢舵轮上时他的脚跟和双膝感到疼痛.

  432. The bee paid the fee of coffee, beef and beer for the cheerful deer. 蜜蜂为欢快的鹿付了咖啡、牛肉和啤酒的费用.

  433. To the ants, the infant(幼儿/小/稚) elephant is a giant(巨/伟人、庞大) in the plantation(耕地、农场、森林).


  434. The merciful(仁慈、慈祥) merchant(商人、店主、商业的) wants to grant(同意、准许、承认) some merchandise(商品、货物) to the panting(喘气、脉/波/振动) immigrants(侨民、侨居的). 仁慈的商人要给喘气的移民们一些商品.

  435. The lengthened(延长、加长) long fishing rod alongside the lake belongs to me.


  436. The strong man among us strongly hates the wrongdoing. 我们当中的壮汉强烈憎恶这件坏事.

  437. In occasional(偶然、特殊场合、临时的) case the phrase(短语、惯用语) emphasizes(用力的, 显著的, 断然的) the importance of the phase(阶段、状态) to the laser(激光).


  438. Based on the basic case, the purchaser(买方) found the vase in the basin in the basement.


  439. On the camp of the campus(校园) the campaign(战役、竞选活动) champion(冠军、拥护、支持) put the camera on the camel. 在校园的营地上运动冠军将摄影机放在骆驼上. 440. He stamped(邮票,印, 图章, 标志,顿足) on the stamps and slammed(砰地…、撞/冲击) the lamp(灯、照亮) on the damp(潮湿、控制、抑止) dam(坝、障碍). 他用脚踩邮票并将灯砰地摔在潮湿的坝上.

  441. When the boat floats through the throat, the goat in overcoat goes to the goal.


  442. The competitor(竞争者) is compelled(强迫,迫使) to complete the competition(比赛、竞赛).


  443. I'm perplexed(困惑) by the flexible(柔韧、能变形、可通融) complex(复合、合成、综合) index of sex and age. 我被灵活复杂的性别与年龄索引迷惑住了。

  444. Since then the sincere(诚挚、真实) princess(公主) has known the principal(负责人、首长、主要、首要) principle(法则、原理). 从那时起诚实的公主就知道该主要原理。

  445. The bead(珠子、水珠) is put on the forehead of the dead shepherd(牧羊人、看管、带领) ahead of the herd(兽/牧群).


  446. The misleader let me use the lead(领导、导致/线、铅、石墨) instead of the unsteady(不稳定、反复无常) metal.


  447. The reader already readily(乐意、欣然、容易) spread(伸展、传播、宴会、桌布) the thread(线、细丝、线索、螺纹) on the ready-made bread. 那位读者已经欣然将丝线铺散在现成的面包上。

  448. "Ten percent of the cents(分、分币) are made in recent centuries," he said with strong accent.


  449. The neutral(中立/性) scent(气味、迹象) of kerosene(煤油) is concentrated(集中、浓缩) in the center of the scene(现场、情景、布景). 煤油的中性气味在场景中心被浓缩.

  450. Those innocent(清白、天真无知) adolescents(青春期、青少年) ascending the hill are the tribe's(部落, 部族) descendants(子孙、后代) of decent(正派、端庄、得体) descent(降下、血统、侵袭).





