

您现在的位置: > 考研复习备考考研英语 > 【考研复试】英语口语面试中考官通常会问的28个专业问题


2020-03-11 16:25:05 阅读:(宏博太奇考研




1What do you think of opinion leader and how do you think out country should do to guide the public opinion?

2What do you think of public opinion?

3What is your opinion about media in France, and what are the differences between media in France and that in China?

4How do you like the responsibility of journalism and how to perform it

5What are the similarities do you think between your major and journalism

6Could you please tell me one communication theory which you most interested in

7What are the characteristics of opinion leader

8How to perform professional journalism in reporting financial and economic news, and what is your opinion?

9What is your understanding toward financial and economic journalism

10What is your opinion upon the uses and gratification theory

11What are the four functions of mass communication media and try to explain.

12Could you please use one theory to explain the communication effects of using emoji in WeChat

13Could you please tell me the difference new writing and editorial writing

14Who is your favorite anchor?

15What do you think of the dating show?

16What do you think of the positive social effects of news?

17What do you think of The advantages and disadvantages of the Internet?

18Is online class better than traditional class?What is your opinion?

19Do you think the newspaper will disappear? And why?

20What do you think of the realities in TV news?

21What do you think of the influence of TV violence

22What is your favorite TV program? and why?

23Do you like social media and why

24Do you think people’s daily life has been affected by social media?and why?

25Do you think the entertainment program will influence education?

26What is your opinion about new media?

27Talk about the differences between traditional media and modern media.

28How the media organizations build their public trust?



考生可以直言在工作发现某些知识或技能很重要,希望能通过学习在这些方面进行提高(In my work, I found … is rather important. I always believe that one will easily lag behind unless he keeps on learning. So I choose to go back to school and improve myself.)


考官有时会询问考生对未来的一些规划,其目的在于试探考生是否对时间、学习、 人生有一定计划性和掌控能力。


1. 学习规划。


关于这一话题,考官通常会以一种较婉转的方式提问,如:What do you expect to achieve during your study if you are enrolled into this university? 回答这一类的问题时,不仅仅要回答想学到什么样的知识、成为什么样的人,最好能够稍微说说你会/计划怎样学习(即学习方法)




2. 职业生涯规划。


职业生涯规划其实就是明确自己未来的职业方向,虽然考官不常对此提问(基本上也是提问考生对所报考专业的就业前景持何种态度),但是这个话题实际上涉及了一个人对自己的性格、天赋、兴趣、能力以及社会现状进行综合分析的能力,还同时也可以看出他对自己未来人生的一种期望、信念和热情,因此 考生也可对此稍做准备,甚至可以将其放在自我介绍中(不建议口语不太理想的考生这样做) 



考研复习,首先要下定决心,付诸实践,还是不要盲目效仿他人,如果感觉备考中找不到感觉和方法,没有头绪,可以参加辅导班,学习到复习思路和方法, 广西宏博太奇优惠活动,你值得了解。

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