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2014-04-11 16:01:37 阅读:(宏博太奇考研


  1.These goods are____ for export, though a few of them may be sold on the home market.

  A) essentially B) completely C) necessarily D) remarkably

  答案:A essentially 主要地,本质上。completely完全地。necessarily 必然地,一定地。remarkably 相当地,非常地。

  2.The American society is _____an exceedingly shaky foundation of natural resources, which is connected with the possibility of a worsening environment.

  A) established on B)affiliated to C) originated from D)incorporated with

  答案:A establish 成立,建立。affiliate(to) (使)加人,附属于。originate 起源于incorporate 包括进去,吸收进去。

  3.Before he started work, I asked the builder to give an____ of the cost of repairing the roof.

  A) assessment B) estimate C) announcement D) evaluation

  答案:B estimate 估计,估价。assessment 估计,评价,看法。[ 注:estimate与assessment 的主要区别在于:estimate 主要表示对某物的大小或价值做出粗略估计;assessment 主要表示对财产、收入或遭受破坏程度做出粗略估计,以便确定纳税额、罚款额或赔偿额]。announcement布告,宣告,通告;宣布的话。 evaluation 评价[注:evaluation 主要指对人或物做出粗略评价,评价的对象多指一个人的能力、表现、成绩或谈判成果等抽象名词,这是evaluation 与estimate 和assessment 的主要区别]。

  4.Rod is determined to get a seat for the concert ____ it means standing in a queue a11 night.

  A) provided B) whatever C)even if D)a

  答案:C even if/though 即使,尽管。provided 如果,只要。 whatever 所……的任何东西( 一anything that) :Whatever she did was right. as if/though 就像……似的,就仿佛是……。

  5.In the ____of the project not being a success, the investors stand to lose up to$30 million.

  A) face B)time C)event D)course

  答案:C in the event of 如果,万一。in (the) face of 面对着,在(危险、困难的)情况下,在……的威胁面前。in the time of 在……时代。in/during the course of 在……时期,在……的过程中。



