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2016-08-30 14:36:34 阅读:(宏博太奇考研

  暑期时光转瞬即逝,开学季已然临近,还在为突破短板、快速提分而苦恼的考生应当“着急”起来了。近日来,关于2017MPAcc管理类联考初试 时间提前的消息想必大家都有所耳闻,至于官方最终正式文件还没有公布,太奇MPAcc老师建议大家“着急”切勿急躁,还应该将重点放在研读考试大纲和日常 考点练习上面。在2016后半年备考仅剩不足120天的日子里,针对 2017届MPAcc备考学子们,太奇MPAcc老师则着重整理测试练习题目,希望对大家有所帮助。


  No antibiotics have been proved to be 100% effective in treating SARS so far. The only effective way to get rid of it is by ourselves. It likes a prolonged battle between the viruses and our immune response. In fact, viruses couldn't kill all the immune cells in a health individual. The stronger the immune function you have, the less the viral injury you get. Therefore, the degree of sickness after infection and the rate of recovery mainly depend on how strong your immune function is.

  You cannot avoid the infection unless you avoid from those infected individuals/area. But, you can try your best to boost up your immune function by several regimes. Make sure you are "extremely healthy" at least during this critical period. Stronger immune function could keep the viral damage minimal even you were so unluckily being infected. Also, stronger immune function delays the onset of any detrimental effects from the viral infection. Scientists are now working on tracking the treatment and so make sure you are still surviving until an effective treatment occurs. 177

  1. According to the author, what is the effective way to get rid of SARS?

  A. by ourselves

  B. in a prolonged battle

  C. to kill all the immune cells in a health individual

  D. to be stronger

  2. According to the author, the degree of sickness after infection and the rate of recovery mainly depend on

  A. how strong your are

  B. how old you are

  C. severe the illness is

  D. the strength of your immune system

  3. How to avoid the infection of SARS? You may follow all the following EXCEPT

  A. keeping away from those infected individuals

  B. keeping away from those infected area

  C. boosting up your immune function

  D. keeping extremely healthy all the time

  4. Scientists are now working on tracking the treatment

  A. detecting all sorts of flaws in DNA

  B. fixing all sorts of flaws in DNA

  C. treatments that delay the attack of the disease

  D. artificial version of the protein

  5. Which of the following is the best title of the passage?

  A. genetic engineering

  B. genetic screening

  C. a new technology

  D. application of genetic engineering




