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2016-01-11 10:32:39 阅读:(宏博太奇考研


  Money has always been what many people are thirsty for. To them, money means everything. They do not seem to know what money is for. They want it above all things. It’s the exclusively causal factor of their happiness.

  But some others hold quite different views on this. They strongly believe that “the love of money is the root of all evil”. They also believe that it is man’s desire for more and more money that drives them to do anything, whether it’s good or bad, to satisfy them. It is money that encourages those weak willed people to be addicted to some harmful habits, such as drug taking or gambling, and bring about their own ruin. It is money that turns brothers or friends into enemies.

  From my point of view, money is an important part of happiness, but happiness means far more than that. Happiness is a kind of human feeling that money can never buy. Physical health and mental well being are both essential to life satisfaction. Love is fundamental to a person’s life satisfaction, too. Self-esteem, I believe, is another crucial factor that produces happiness. Therefore, we can never reckon only on money to achieve happiness. Money is a blessing when it is used rightly; it’s a curse when abused.



