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2015-12-28 17:31:25 阅读:(宏博太奇考研



  1. This is the biggest laboratory ____ we have ever built in our university.

  A. which B. what C. where D. /

  2. Free movie tickets will be sent to ____ come first.

  A. whoever B. whomever C. whosever D. however

  3. He did not live up to ____ had been expected of him.

  A. what B. which C. that D. all what

  4. The people _____ in the paper did not like it, but other readers liked it very much.

  A. who were written about B. who was written

  C. who were written D. whom were written about

  5. The theory ____ liquid tends to expand when heated is easy for us to understand.

  A. which B. / C. what D. that

  6. ____ I can’t understand is ____ he wants to change his mind.

  A. That…that B. Which…how C. What…what D. What … why

  7. ____ I am able to be here with you today.

  A. I consider a great honor that it is B. I consider it a great honor that

  C. I consider that a great honor it is D. It is I consider that a great honor

  8. He was driving____ he found it difficult to stop at the red light.

  A. very fast that B. that fast

  C. so fast that D. as fast that

  9. He was criticized ____ he should make the same mistake again.

  A. unless B. because C. so that D. lest

  10. He found he was back ____ he had been.

  A. where B. to where C. in which D. wherever

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