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2015-07-02 10:57:27 阅读:(宏博太奇考研



  1. 有些人认为压力太可怕了。

  2. 有些人认为压力并不是一件坏事。

  3. 你如何看待压力。

  It goes without saying that the issue of getting increasing popular among the general public in our daily life, especially with the rapid development of our modern society. Nearly everyone, including men and women, the old and the young has felt stress. Nevertheless, the attitudes towards it are quite different. Those who are living under stress consider that the pressure is a terrible thing. To them, the stresses and strains of work and study deprive them of joy and happiness of life. In order to survive and succeed in competition, they have to be always busy with working and face various challenges as well.All this makes them so tired both physically and mentally that they prefer something less competitive and laborious to something more demanding and challenging.

  Just as everything has tow sides, however, there are still some other people who argue that the stress isn’t as terrible as it is often supposed to be unless it is overwhelming. To them, it is the stress that provides them with motivation and stimulation. Without stress, we may slack off and idle away our time. It is also the stress that impels them study and work harder and make greater achievements. Furthermore, it is often said that people under pressure tend to bring their potential to play fully and realize their dreams easily.

  As far as I am concerned, there is nobody in the world without stress. Therefore, stress is something that we have to face and cannot escape from. Only in this attitude can we take full advantage of the benefits of stress and avoid the harmful effects it causes us.



