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2015-06-04 10:38:10 阅读:(宏博太奇考研

  新一年考研学子已经为2016年MPAcc管理类联考而整装待发!为了更全面地帮助2016年 MPAcc管理类联考进行备考工作,太奇MPAcc为大家总结MPAcc管理类联考英语写作系列 故事素材集锦,希望能够对大家有所帮助!


  Mr. Bacon used to be a music CD agent. He got the job through an employment agency. By accident, he heard some African music. The music was agreeable to the ear. From then on, he was in an agony of longing. Africa was a mysterious land attracting him. His heart agitated for adventure. Mr. bacon had a friend name Jack. Jack was an alert alien. They were much alike in character. Both of them never touched alcohol. Both of them were aggressive, but Jack was stronger. In the 400-meter match , he got ahead of Mr. Bacon every time One day, Mr. Bacon received airmail from Jack. In the airmail, Jack described the beauty of Africa. Mr. Bacon affirmed that what he said was true. Three days afterward they met at the airport. According to the agenda, they arrived in Africa the next day. They found that the lack of rain aggravated the serious shortage of food. The agricultural commodities were deficient that year. There were rumors in the air that it was punishment from God. Next, on the way to hotel, they were shocked to see a dead man on the road. They alarmed the police at once and waited for the aid from the police. It's really a bad journey!




