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2015-06-02 09:58:13 阅读:(宏博太奇考研

  新一年考研学子已经为2016年MPAcc管理类联考而整装待发!为了更全面地帮助2016年 MPAcc管理类联考进行备考工作,太奇MPAcc为大家总结MPAcc管理类联考英语写作系列 故事素材集锦,希望能够对大家有所帮助!


  At the beginning of the auto (automobile) industry, many people were attracted to Detroit. Nike was one of them. He worked in a factory. There was no available automatic in that factory. Some part of the work must be done by ax. And the ax was awkward to handle. So Nick availed himself of every opportunity to improve instruments. He would design two to three instruments a month on an average. By and by, he became an authority on it. As one of the best workers, he was awarded bonuses often. Recently, Nick was assigned to fix an engine to avert any possible damage. He drew an axis on it first then fixed it carefully. He also brought an auxiliary engine with him. But just after he finished repairing, he was aware of his mistake right away. An awful accident happened next. The engine exploded and a big fire ensued. The people who stood on the avenue tried to extinguish the fire, but it’s of no avail. Fortunately, nobody was injured. The boss awaited Nick at the meeting room. Nick didn’t want to avoid punishment. To his surprise, the boss didn’t blame him. Instead, he gave a book about aviation to Nick. And the author was the boss himself!




