Mr. Porter was a notable detective. He had been nominated as the police sergeant. Nonetheless, he was only the nominal one. But he did not care. He was pleased to the normalization of relationship between the police and the people. In the northern hemisphere, spring is in March and April. On April 4, the police notified Mr. Porter to follow the tracks of a notorious murderer. Mr. Porter started out notwithstanding the heavy rain. He left before noon to catch the ship in time. And he decided to pay for the nominal fare himself. The ship sailed northward first, then northeast, finally northwest. Everything was absolutely normal. Mr. Porter took out a notebook and wrote down anything he thought noteworthy. He found the murder easily because of the noticeable scar on the latter’s forehead. Mr. Porter subdued him with a gun. Then he called the police. At first, the police did not have a notion of what he meant. They thought what he said was nonsense until they arrived at the ship. They asked him what reward he wanted. Mr. Porter answered that he needed nothing but a few days’ rest.