太奇MPAcc“每日一练”进行中。10月份主要为2015年管理类联考(MPAcc)考试网上正式报名阶段,处于下半年总复习备考的 MPAcc考生们,即使是前段时间基础打得很好,也不能忽视MPAcc中英语单词的记忆。对单词的记忆,不同于之前的打基础阶段,针对MPAcc考研英 语,太奇教育结合多年考研辅导经验,独具特色的太奇学习法让每一位太奇学员受益匪浅。太奇MPAcc继续向2015年MPAcc备考考生们推出MPAcc 英语基础词汇自测习题及详细解析,希望MPAcc考生们可以借助试题提高解题速度。
1.After the demonstration, the students went to the ___ and asked to see the ambassador.
A) stadium.
B) studio
C) embassy
D) gallery
2.___ the very cold winter, we have run out of coal earlier than we expected.
A) By reason of
B) At the risk of
C) For the sake of
D) At the mercy of
3.The businessman was put in prison because he ___ to pay taxes.
A) rejected
B) objected
C) refused
D) opposed
4.After his service to the country, he was ___ with a knighthood.(爵士身份).
A) praised
B) honoured
C) granted
D) recommended
5.I’m not really ill, but I have a ___ headache.
A) pale
B) temporary
C) delicate
D) slight