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2014-04-29 09:55:34 阅读:(宏博太奇考研



  1. The timber rattlesnake is now on the endangered species list, and is extinct in two eastern states in which it once ______.

  A. thrived B. swelled C. prospered D. flourished

  2. Some day software will translate both written and spoken language so well that the need for any common second language could ______.

  A. descend B. decline C. deteriorate D. depress

  3. As an industry, biotechnology stands to ______ electronics in dollar volume and perhaps surpass it in social impact by 2020.

  A. contend B. contest C. rival D. strive

  4. Mary has been _____Roger, and the wedding will be in May.

  A. busy with B. engaged in C. engaged with D. engaged to

  5. The education he receives at the university will _____ him as a lawyer or a judge.

  A. entitle B. qualify C. claim D. acknowledge

  6. The introduction of gunpower gradually made the bow and arrow ________, particularly in Western Europe.

  A. obscure B. obsolete C. optional D. overlapping

  7. A good teacher must try to understand and_____ in a helpful way to his or her students’ ideas.

  A. reflect B. comprehend C. respond D. instruct

  8. No one believes that he is ____ of fulfilling such a difficult task.

  A. qualified B. able C. competent D. capable

  9. All the off-shore oil explorers were in high spirits as they read ______ letters form their families.

  A. sentimental B. affectionate C. intimate D. sensitive

  10. The little boy was ________for getting his shoes and socks wet.

  A. charged B. accused C. fined D. scolded


  1. The election turned not on some seismic slide from left to right but on the choices made by the 6% to 7% of perennially undecided, known as the floating vote, who are swayed more by emotion than ideology.

  2. Mild mannered and precise when he speaks, he is a far cry from the mix of Quakers, pacifists, drafts resisters and hippies who founded the organization a quarter-century ago.

  3. It makes sense for the Dore campaign to make this a contest between Dore as the laconic, quiet man whose words can be trusted and Bill Clinton as the traveling salesman with a line of smooth patter but a suitcase full of damaged goods.

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