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2014-04-22 10:44:04 阅读:(宏博太奇考研


  "I am concerned that so many young people...who are frequent users of personal music players and mobile phones at high acoustic levels, may be unknowingly damaging their hearing irrevocably," she said in the statement.



  It's not just the most physically demanding jobs that can lead to serious injuries. Working with a seemingly harmless mouse and keyboard can cause chronic injuries just as easily as hauling a load of cement. In fact, repetitive strain injuries such as carpal tunnel affect hundreds of thousands of American workers a year, and lead to tens of billions of dollars annually in workers comp claims, according to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).


  Nelson Liu, a certified acupuncturist in Los Angeles, sees many of these disorders in his patients. "People who sit at desks and work on computers come to me with chronic pain in the shoulders, wrist, neck, and eyes, and they often result from the small, repetitive motions they do on the job every day," Liu tells Yahoo! HotJobs.

  Nelson Liu是洛杉矶的一位针灸师,他经常能在自己的病人中见到类似的问题。他说,“坐在桌子前从事电脑相关工作的人通常会在肩部、手腕、脖子和眼睛产生一些慢性病痛,通常都归咎于他们日常工作中经常重复的小动作。”

  There are ways to break the vicious circle, and they don't necessarily require the most expensive office chair or expert intervention, according to Tony Biafore, an ergonomics expert president of Ergonetics. "A lot of companies think they can solve ergonomics problems with a one-size-fits-all approach, or by buying the most expensive keyboards or office chairs," Biafore says. "Fancy ergonomic equipment is worthless if you don't identify how you're using them."

  工作学专家Tony Biafore也是Ergonetics公司的总裁,他说要打破这个恶性循环还是有办法的,而且并不需要昂贵的办公椅或者专家介入。他说,“很多公司以为他们可以一劳永逸的解决工作学的问题,要么就买最贵的键盘或者办公椅。如果你不清楚要怎样使用的话,新奇的工作学设备是一文不值的。”




